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Are you ready to finally take control of your healing journey?

Alchemy is not just another wellness program—it's an experience journey of self healing, self discovery and empowerment. Grounded in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, Alchemy takes a holistic approach to health and wellness, nurturing the mind, body, and spirit.


Whether you're seeking relief from lifelong chronic health issues for which Western medicine has let you down, are aiming to deepen your spiritual practice, or simply striving for greater balance in your life, Alchemy offers more than just a roadmap—it provides personalized guidance and a supportive community to help you thrive.


Let's Begin


Silver Membership 

Discover the profound healing impact that only Ayurveda can bring.  With access to weekly masterclasses, engaging Q&A sessions, and a supportive community. Build a solid foundation for your healing journey as you learn to harness the power of ancient wisdom in your daily life.


Gold Membership

Receive exclusive benefits including private message access to your mentor. Receive personalized guidance and custom resources between group calls, enhancing your understanding and practice of Ayurveda in real-time. Elevate your practice and delve deeper into the secrets of self healing with dedicated personalized support.


Platinum Membership


Enjoy all the benefits of previous levels, plus benefit from monthly 1:1  consultations with your mentor. Receive individualized guidance as you begin a journey to optimal self healing, wellness and self-discovery like never before.

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