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Upcoming Workshop

Idea to Action : Discover Your Path to Conscious Business Success

Are you ready to turn your passion into profit and create a thriving conscious business? Join us for a transformative workshop where you'll learn the secrets of Conscious Business Design, From Idea to Action.

Unlock Your Potential

Workshop Details:


  • Date: Thursday, November 2nd, 2023

  • Time: 2 pm Western European Time (WET)

  • Duration: 3 hours

  • Location: Online

  • Cost: 99 Euros



  • Date: Thursday, November 23rd, 2023

  • Time: 2 pm Western European Time (WET)

  • Duration: 3 hours

  • Location: HiveCo, Loule, Portugal

  • Cost: 99 Euros

Smiling Coworker

Your Conscious Business Journey Starts Here

Seize this opportunity to design your conscious business for success. Reserve your spot now and embark on a journey of transformation. When you register for our workshop, you'll receive:


  • Comprehensive Workshop Materials: Access to exclusive resources and materials to support your learning.

  • Interactive Discussions: Engage with our expert facilitator and fellow participants in meaningful conversations.

  • Practical Action Steps: Leave with a tangible action plan to kickstart your conscious business journey.

  • Community Access: Join our exclusive online community to connect and collaborate with like-minded individuals beyond the workshop.

What to expect inside:

What You Will Take Away from This Workshop:


By participating in the "Idea to Action Workshop," you'll gain invaluable insights, tools, and actionable strategies that will empower you to transform your passion and purpose into a thriving conscious business.


Here's what you can expect to take away from this workshop:


  1. Clarity and Focus: You will define your passion and purpose with precision, helping you understand what truly drives you and inspires your entrepreneurial journey.

  2. Business Roadmap: You'll leave with a clear roadmap for your conscious business, from its inception to expansion and legacy, equipped with actionable steps to follow.

  3. Financial Empowerment: Gain the knowledge and financial planning skills needed to chart a sustainable and profitable path for your business while aligning with your values.

  4. Impactful Business Models: Explore various business models, including one-on-one coaching, online courses, group workshops, and more, to identify the best fit for your unique vision.

  5. SMART Goal Setting: Learn how to set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals, ensuring you have a strategic plan to turn your ideas into reality.

  6. Overcoming Obstacles: Identify potential obstacles and develop effective strategies to overcome challenges on your entrepreneurial journey.

  7. Networking and Collaboration: Build meaningful connections with like-minded individuals, fostering collaboration and support within our workshop community.

  8. Confidence and Inspiration: Leave with renewed confidence and inspiration, knowing that your conscious business has the potential to make a positive impact on the world.

  9. Actionable Plan: Walk away with a concrete action plan tailored to your unique business goals, complete with timelines and next steps.

  10. Q&A and Resources: You'll have the opportunity to ask questions, clarify doubts, and access a curated list of resources to continue your learning and development beyond the workshop.


This workshop is your pathway to turning your passion and purpose into a conscious business that not only aligns with your values but also makes a meaningful impact. You'll leave with the knowledge, tools, and support network to take confident steps toward your entrepreneurial dreams. Don't miss this opportunity to embark on your journey from Idea to Action!

"Game Changer"

"This workshop was a game-changer for me. It helped me clarify my goals and gave me the confidence to take action."
— Sarah, Entrepreneur

Our Guarantee

We believe in the value of our workshop, and we're confident it will empower you to take action in your conscious business journey. If, after attending the entire workshop, you feel it didn't meet your expectations, we'll gladly offer a full refund—

no questions asked.

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Ready to take the next step?

Seize this opportunity to design your conscious business for success. Reserve your spot now and embark on a journey of transformation. 


Don't miss out on this chance to redefine your path to conscious business success. Seats are limited, so act now and secure your spot in the "Conscious Business Design, From Idea to Action" workshop.

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